Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nurturing through Reading A Loud–Part 5–Searching for good reads-Childhood standards

By all means, introduce your children to your favorite books you remember as a child or young person. Your enthusiasm will spill over and quicken their interest. Widen your knowledge and your family’s by picking different types of books.

The classics: Black Beauty, Robin Hood, Robinson Crusoe and others can be found in unabridged hardback versions worthy of your library shelves. These unabridged versions retain the author’s original moral and Christian content that has been for the most part, if not entirely edited out of recent versions.

Honey for a Child’s Heart by Hunt and Books Children Love by Wilson will help you with ideas. Also check the Caldecott and Newberry Medal and Honor lists. (Do a web search and you will find a complete listing.) Your public librarian should be able to supply you a list of these books. Some will not be to your taste but you will probably find several to enjoy.

Compile lists from curriculum supplier catalogs. What I couldn’t get through the public library we were able to shop for from the catalogs or at homeschool conventions. These catalogs are great in providing a summary, including the historical time frame if applicable. Allowing me to use the books along with the time period we were studying.

No one is too old to be read to. I can remember reading G.A. Henty’s For the Temple, while on a road trip. The guys did not want me to stop, but eventually my voice went hoarse. With the many audio books now available on CD or as downloads; you can get one for your next road trip and the entire family can listen through your car’s sound system.

More books from our “Books Read” list:
D. L. Moody-biography
The Murder of Jesus
Eric Lidell-biography
Davy Crockett-biography
Carry a Big Stick-biography
One Nation Under God
With Lee in Virginia
Hans the Crucified
The Battle for the Beginning
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23
Terrorism, Jihad, & the Bible
Refuting Evolution
In His Steps
Won By the Sword
The Lion of the North
One World Under God
Boys of ’76
John Paton-biography
Clean Your Boots, Sir

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