Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010 Bible Bee-Senior/July

July Practice Question for Senior Level:

1.  Who has delivered you from the power/dominion of darkness?
    A: Jesus Christ
    B: Paul
    C: God
    D: Epaphras

2.  To where has Christ transferred you?
    A: to the kingdom of heaven
    B: to the kingdom of the Son
    C: to a Spiritual walk
    D: to walk in the light

3.  What image does Christ depict?
    A: The invisible God
    B: A firstborn son
    C: A shepherd
    D: none of the above

4.  Is there anything Jesus did not create?
    A: Yes
    B: No
    C: Maybe
    D: all of the above

5.  What are thrones, dominions, principalities and powers?
    A: Kings
    B: Governments
    C:  Authorities/Jurisdictions
    D: All of the above

6.  Is there anything before Christ?
    A: Yes
    B: No
    C: Maybe
    D: all of the above

7.  What does it mean “all the fullness should dwell”?
    A: To be full of the Spirit
    B: Jesus was fully God
    C: Jesus obeyed God
    D: all of the above

8.  From what have you been reconciled?
    A: Being an enemy of God
    B: Being self-centered
    C: The old man
    D: none of the above

9.  What was Christ’s purpose for you to be reconciled?
    A: To not be His enemy
    B: To be a better person
    C: To be holy
    D: none of the above

10. What is the mystery Paul is talking about?
    A: The resurrection
    B: Where he was in prison
    C: That we will be persecuted
    D: Christ in you, the hope of glory

11.  What was Paul’s aim in warning and teaching every man about the gospel?
    A: Present every man perfect in Christ
    B: To expose false doctrine
    C: To reprimand those who were unruly
    D: So he could fight the good fight.

12.  In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom & knowledge?
    A: Epaphras
    B: The Jews
    C: Paul’s letters
    D: God

13.  What did Paul rejoice to see?
    A: That the Colossians were orderly and steadfast.
    B: That the Colossians abounded with thanksgiving.
    C: That the Colossians were no longer dead in their sins.
    D: That the Colossians were seeking a reward.

14.  What were the Colossae Christians to do, having received Christ Jesus as Lord?
    A: Preach to others about Christ
    B: Walk/live in Him
    C: No longer walk/live in darkness.
    D: none of the above

15.  What does it mean to be rooted in Christ & built up in Him?
    A: To spend all your time reading the Bible, so it builds you up in your Christian walk.
    B: To ignore the Old Testament and only live by the New Testament.
    C: That the foundation of our life is Christ. (Col. 2:7)
    D: none of the above

16.  Are we to follow the traditions of men?
    A: Yes
    B: No
    C: It depends
    D: none of the above

17.  What will the philosophy of this world do to you?
    A: Defraud/cheat
    B: Spoil/captivate
    C: Destroy
    D: none of the above

18.  Jesus possesses the fullness of God?  What does this mean?
    A: He was filled with God’s Spirit at birth
    B: He really wasn’t human, He was a Spirit of God.
    C: At times God filled Him with His fullness.
    D: He was 100% God in a human body.

19.  Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 18:1-6 that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is:
    A: a servant
    B: a child
    C:  a martyr
    D: none of the above

20.  What passage tells us to “let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds/works and praise/glorify your Father in heaven.”
    A: Luke 9:6-10
    B: Mark 6:9–16
    C: Matthew 6:15-22
    D: Matthew 5:16-22

21.  What does Christ  being the head of all principalities and powers/power and authority mean?
    A: That He is the authority over everything in the universe
    B: That everyone follows Him
    C: That He knows everything
    D: That He forces everyone to obey Him

22.  Explain the circumcision made without hands?
    A: They weren’t Jews, so it didn’t matter.
    B. It was a superstition about circumcision.
    C: It is a spiritual putting off of the old man.
    D: all of the above.

23.  What does being  buried with Him in baptism & raised through Him represent?
    A: Having been dead in sin, we are raised to a new life.
    B: Baptism washes our sin away.
    C: We were dirty in sin and need to die to our sins.
    D: none of the above.

24.  How does our faith play a part in this?
    A: We have to have believe for it to happen.
    B: We must have faith that God is accomplishing salvation in our life.
    C: It doesn’t we have to do good works.
    D: none of the above.

26.  Where did He place our trespasses according to Col. 2:14?
    A: The bottom of the sea
    B: On His shoulders
    C: Nailed them to His cross.
    D; all of the above.

27.  How did He made a public spectacle of principalities & powers?
    A: By condemning the Pharisees and Saducees.
    B: By refusing to answer during His trials.
    C: By triumphing over them by the cross.
    D: By taking the keys of death

28.   In Psalm 139 David states He can not escape from God, His Creator, who formed him:
    A: in His thoughts
    B: by evolution
    C: fearfully and wonderfully made
    D: none of the above

29.  What are the handwriting of requirements that Paul mentions in 2:14?
    A: The Roman legal code
    B: The Mosaic Law
    C: The Talmud
    D: all of the above

30.  Are we under the Law?
    A: Yes
    B: No
    C: Only if a Jew
    D: none of the above

31. When Solomon was building the Temple, the Lord told him he would not forsake or abandon His people Israel if they would:
    A: Follow the building plans exactly
    B: Always do the sacrifices
    C: Keep all My commands
    D: all of the above

32. God promised, to Noah, that as long as earth remains there will be:
    A:. cold and heat
    B: seedtime and harvest
    C:  winter and summer
    D: all of the above

33. Who wrote the book Colossians?
    A: Paul
    B: Peter
    C: John
    D: Timothy

34. In the beginning God created the:
    A:. heavens and the earth
    B: heavens and the world
    C: sky and earth
    D: sky and sea

35. God made man to have dominion/rule over:
    A:. his wife
    B: his wife and children
    C: the universe
    D: none of the above

36. Who was more crafty than any other creature:
    A: Adam
    B: Serpent
    C: Woman
    D: none of the above

37. The Lord told Abram to:
    A: Leave his country
    B: Leave his family
    C: Leave his family’s home
    D: all of the above

38. What feast became established when the Israelites were told to kill a lamb on the 10th day of this month because of God’s Judgment on Egypt.
    A: Atonement
    B: Passover
    C: Pentecost
    D: Sabbath

39. What does Paul tell us of the recipients in Colossians 1:4?
    A: They have faith in Jesus
    B: They love the city
    C: They like Colossal-sized pizza
    D: They are having a hard time understanding the gospel.

40. What did the Moses and the Israelites do when Pharaoh and the Egyptian army was drowned in the sea?
    A: They didn’t even stop to notice.
    B: They worshipped God in song
    C: They offered sacrifices to God.
    D: none of the above

41. The 10 spies said they  were like what bug compared to the people who then lived in the Promised Land?
    A: locust
    B: hornet
    C: ant
    D: grasshopper

41. Finish this verse: For the LORD your God is a:
    A: loving God.
    B: just and wise God.
    C: a consuming fire, a jealous God.
    D: rewarder of those who are good.

42.  Where can we learn more about Onesimus?
    A:. 1 Timothy
    B: Hebrews
    C: Philemon
    D: Philippians

43. Finish this verse: …the LORD (Himself) is God in heaven above and on the earth below/beneath…
    A:. there is no other.
    B: You shall therefore keep His statutes/decrees
    C: He let you hear His voice
    D: none of the above

44.  We are to love God with:
    a. heart
    b. soul
    c. strength/might
    d. all of the above

45. The Lord did not choose the Jews because they were:
    A: smarter
    B: richer
    C: more numerous
    D: all of the above

46. Who does God say He will defend/administer justice for in Deuteronomy 10:17-22?
    A: Israel
    B: Strangers
    C: Poor
    D: Fatherless and widow

47 Caleb was how old when he spied out the land?       
    A: 40
    B: 50
    C: 80
    D: 84

48. Who had communicated to Paul the Colossians’ love?
    A: Timothy
    B: Nymphas
    C: Epaphras
    D: Onesimus

49. According to Psalm 30:4-5, weeping lasts for how long?
    A: As long as there is sorrow
    B: Until we cry out to God
    C: For a night
    D: All of the above

50. Finish this verse: …but God is the strength of my heart and…
    A: a refuge in time of trouble
    B: a tower of strength
    C: my hope of deliverance
    D: my portion forever

51.  Fill in the blank: The LORD said/says to my Lord:     ________________, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool/until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”
    A: “Sit at my right hand
    B: “You are my right hand and strength
    C:  “I will execute justice
    D: none of the above

52.  Because of the men of Judah and people of Jerusalem’s evil, God said His wrath/fury would break out and ?
    A: destroy the city
    B: burn so that no one can quench it
    C: send all the people into captivity
    D: all of the above

53. Who was to go before in the spirit and power of Elijah/Elias?
    A:. Zacharias
    B: Jesus
    C: John the Baptist
    D: Zechariah

54.  Paul warned the Colossians to “Beware lest any man spoil you through _________” or “See to it that no one takes you captive through_______”
    A: False teaching
    B: Wrong doctrine
    C: Moses Law
    D: Philosophy

55. What did God tell man to rule/have dominion over? (Ge. 1:26-28)
    A: His emotions
    B: His wife
    C: Any living that moves
    D: Heavens and earth

56.  In Colossians 1:13 we are told God has delivered us from?
    A: Sin
    B: Persecution
    C: False teachers
    D: The power of darkness

57. In Colossians 1:24 Paul was rejoicing in what?
    A: The gifts he had received
    B: The suffering he was going through
    C: That he had friends with him
    D: Onesimus was such a great help.

58. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:22?
    A: 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
    B: John 3:14-16
    C: Hebrews 1:7
    D: Romans 8:3

59. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:23?
    A: Acts 16:31
    B: Romans 3:23
    C:. Romans 6:23
    D: 1 Corinthians 15:1-2

60. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:19?
    A: 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
    B: 1 Corinthians 15:20
    C: Psalm 26:8
    D: Genesis 1:1

61. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:21?
    A: Romans 5:10
    B: Romans 8:3
    C: Both a. and b.
    D: None of the above

62. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:18?
    A: 1 Corinthians 15:20
    B: Psalm 26:8
    C: Isaiah 53:5
    D: None of the above

63. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:3?
    A: Prov. 3:13-15
    B: Prov. 6:23
    C: Rom. 6:23
    D: Rom.3:23

64. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:4?
    A: Rom. 16:18
    B: Gal. 5:22-23
    C: Eph. 6:1
    D: None of the above

65. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:5?
    A: Matt. 5:1
    B: Rom. 16:18
    C: 1 Cor. 14:40
    D: Gen. 1:1

66.  Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:20?
    A: Psalm 26:8
    B: Isaiah 53:5
    C: John 3:16
    D: All of the above

67. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:1?
    A: Colossians 1:29
    B: Colossians 1:1
    C: Colossians 2:2
    D: None of the above

68. What Cross Reference passage supports Colossians 2:2?
    A: Colossians 1:29
    B: Gen. 1:29
    C: 1 Tim. 4:3
    D: Colossians 4:3

69. Who is Paul struggling for?
    A: Those at Colossae and Laodicea.
    B: The Gentiles.
    C: People in America.
    D: The Roman Guard

70. In Colossians 2:2 and 4:3 Paul wants others to know the mystery of God, which is:
    A: About to be solved.
    B: Why he’s in chains.
    C: Christ.
    D: In secret code

71. What is better than gold or silver?
    A: Rubies, and precious stones.
    B: Wisdom and knowledge.
    C: Paul’s Epistles
    D: Both A and B

72. Paul warns them so they won’t be deceived by:
    A: Fine-sounding arguments.
    B: Traveling salesmen.
    C: TV ads.
    D: New preachers

73. In Colossians 2:5 Paul is glad to see everything:
    A: Clean.
    B:  Orderly.
    C: Well done.
    D: Regulated.

74. We have been taught to be strengthened by:
    A: Faith.
    B: Hope.
    C: Love.
    D: Charity

75. What should we be overflowing with?
    A: Complaints.
    B: Compliments.
    C: Thankfulness.
    D: Generousity

76. Paul tells Timothy and the Colossians to not let what take them captive?
    A: The Romans.
    B:  False, hollow teachings.
    C:  Knowledge.
    D: Slave masters

77. What is Colossians 2:9 describing?
    A: The plan of salvation.
    B: That God’s deity is in Christ.
    C: A piece of art.
    D: Both A and B

78. What dwelt in Jesus when He became man?
    A: A brilliant, shining glow.
    B: Blood and bones.
    C: God’s deity.
    D: A kind spirit

79. According to Colossians 2:10, Christ is the head over:
    A: Every power and authorities.
    B: The church.
    C: The salvation committee.
    D: All believers.

71. We were buried with Christ in:
    A: Death.
    B: Baptism.
    C: The body.
    D: None of the above

72. What does Colossians 2:12b describe?
    A: Who God is.
    B: How to be saved.
    C: That we are raised with Christ by our faith in Him.
    D: All of the above.

73. When we were still dead, God made us:
    A: Alive with Christ.
    B: Clean from sin.
    C: Dead.
    D: Sorry for our sins.

74. What did God cancel?
    A: Punishment on the Israelites.
    B: The written code. 
    C: The Requirements
    D: The Ordinances

75. In Colossians 2:14 and 1 Pet. 2:24, what did God do with our sin?
    A: Paid for it; got rid of it.
    B: Placed it on others, not caring who.
    C: Took it away, nailing it on the cross;             bore it in His body.
    D: All of the above.

76. In Colossians 2:15 and 1 Corinthians 15:24, God destroyed:
    A: Satan.
    B: All powers and authorities.
    C: This world.
    D: Our sins

77. What does the word “grace” mean in Colossiansossians 1:2
    A: Divine influence on the heart
    B: Divine influence on the mind
    C: Divine influence on the body
    D: Divine influence on the church

78. What does the word “faith” mean in Colossians 1:4?
    A: Trust
    B: Be persuaded, belief
    C: Being a Christian
    D: Knowing Jesus

79. Who else is made in the image of God?
    A: Angels
    B: Man
    C: Both A and B
    D: None of the above

80.  Which Scripture below supports Question 79’s answer?
    A: James 4:5
    B: Genesis 12:3
    C: Genesis 1:26
    D: Colossians 4:3

81. What does it mean to reconcile?
    A: To keep things balanced
    B: To save
    C: To restore a relationship of peace
    D: None of the above

82.  What does redemption mean?
    A: Deliverance
    B: Redeem
    C: Ransom
    D: All of the above

83. What is the Greek meaning of “triumphing” in verse 2: 15?
    A: To ride a motorcycle
    B: To seek a victory
    C: To win a battle
    D: To celebrate a triumph

84. How are we made “alive together with Him?”
    A: He has forgiven all our trespasses
    B: We will live in heaven with Christ
    C: He created us
    D: Both B and C

85. In verse 4, Paul talks about those who “will delude/deceive you with persuasive argument.”  Who is he talking about?
    A: False Teachers
    B: Pastors
    C: Talk Show Hosts
    D: Newspaper Editors

86.  Verse 2:8 talks about being taken captive.  What does Paul mean?
    A: To be put in prison
    B: To be captured in war
    C: To be deceived
    D: To be caught in a trap

87. What does it mean when Paul says, “being knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding...” 2:2
    A: Paul wants to preach and encourage them, and has agapte love for them. And wants to show them how to have agape love for each other.
    B: Paul wants to make everyone feel good and be happy.
    C: Paul somehow or maybe Christ will knit everyone together like a sweater in love.
    D: Paul expected all the churches to write encouraging love letters to each others.

88.   What are some ways that you can share the mystery of God’s unfolding plan of salvation in Jesus with those who don’t know him?
    A: How we act/behave
    B: Our speech
    C: How we work/labor
    D: All of the above

89. In 1:15, it says, “He is the image of the invisible God...”  What is the Greek meaning of the word “image”?
    A: Prototype (the original or model on which something is formed)
    B: To look like an angel
    C: To look like a Jew
    D: None of the above

90. In Colossians 1:15, it says, “He is the image of the invisible God...”  What is the Greek meaning of the word “image”?
    A: Statue
    B: Representation
    C: Resemblance
    D: All of the above

91. Colossians 1:13-23 gives several names for
Jesus they are:
    A: Son, Firstborn, Head, Beginning
    B: Lord, Son, Firstborn, Head,
    C: Son, Firstborn, Jesus, Beginning
    D: Lord, Jesus, Head, Beginning

92. What is the mystery?
    A: The beginning of the church
    B: How Paul survived the shipwreck
    C: The hope and glory of Christ
    D: How Onesimus made it to Rome

93. What does the key word “sufferings” mean?
    A: To be hurt
    B: To grieve
    C: To be in prison
    D:  Affliction

94. What does the key word  “church” mean?    
    A: calling out
    B: assembly
    C: community of believers
    D: All of the above

95. What does the key word “afflictions” mean?
    A: pressure and anguish
    B: burdened and  trouble
    C: self debase and self sacrifice
    D: Both A and B

96. What does the key word “minister/servant” mean?
     A: deacon
    B: preacher
    C: servant
    D: Both A and C

97. What does the key word “stewardship/commission” mean?
    A: dispensation
    B: authority
    C: administration
    D: Both A and C

98. What does the key word “mystery” mean?
    A: To keep in the dark
    B: Secret
    C: Surprise
    D: Both B and C

99. What does the key word “admonishing” mean?
    A: Warning
    B: Teaching
    C: Reprove gently
    D: Both A and C

100. What does the key word “stability” mean?
     A: Steadfastness
    B: Something established
    C: Confirmation
    D: All of the above

101. How did Jesus reconcile us to God?
    A: By coming to earth
    B: By being God/man
    C: By giving us the Bible
    D: None of the above

102. What does it mean to reconcile?
    A: To make figures add up
    B: To bring together
    C: To resume where one left off
    D: Both A and C

103. What does the word “alienated” mean?
    A: Estranged away
    B: From a different country
    C: From outer space
    D: None of the above

104. “If indeed you continue in the faith firmly
established and steadfast...”  What does “if” mean?
    A:  Since you do that, you will be holy and blameless.
    B: Since you do that, you will become a christian
    C: Since you do that you will not have any trouble
    D: None of the above

105. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:22, that we are reconciled through Christ’s physical body/death?
    A: 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
    B: John 3:14-16
    C: Hebrews 1:7
    D: Romans 8:3

106. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:23, that we are not to move away from the Gospel Paul preached?
    A: Acts 16:31
    B: Romans 3:23
    C:. Romans 6:23
    D: 1 Corinthians 15:1-2

107.Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:21, we are reconciled through Christ’s death?
    A: Romans 5:10
    B: Romans 8:3
    C: Both a. and b.
    D: None of the above

108. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:18, Jesus is the firstborn, firstfruits from the dead?
    A: 1 Corinthians 15:20
    B: Psalm 26:8
    C: Isaiah 53:5
    D: None of the above

109. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:3, wisdom and knowledge are
    A: Prov. 3:13-15
    B: Prov. 6:23
    C: Rom. 6:23
    D: Rom.3:23

110. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:4 to not let someone lead you astray with words?
    A: Rom. 16:18
    B: Gal. 5:22-23
    C: Eph. 6:1
    D: None of the above

111. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:5, we should be orderly?
    A: Matt. 5:1
    B: Rom. 16:18
    C: 1 Cor. 14:40
    D: Gen. 1:1

 112. Which cross reference passage supports Colossians 1:20, peace through the blood?
    A: Psalm 26:8
    B: Isaiah 53:5
    C: John 3:16
    D: All of the above

113. What Cross Reference Passage supports Colossians 2:1, Paul labors/strives for those he hasn’t even seen?
    A: Colossians 1:29
    B: Colossians 1:1
    C: Colossians 2:2
    D: None of the above

114. What Cross Reference passage supports Colossians 2:2, Paul wants to encourage the church/believers by speaking about the mystery of God?
    A: Colossians 1:29
    B: Gen. 1:29
    C: 1 Tim. 4:3
    D: Colossians 4:3

115. What does the key word “treasures” mean
    A: a deposit
    B: wealth
    C: something of value that is hidden
    D: Both A and B

116.   What does the key word “labor” mean?
    A: toil, weary
    B: strive, fight
    C: work, occupy
    D: Both A and C

117. What do you think Paul means when he says, “Christ in you, the hope and glory” (1:27)?
    A: That we may go to heaven
    B: We get to participate in the hope and glory of Jesus
    C: Hope and Glory were the names of two people in Colossae
    D: Both A and C

118. At the end of Colossians Chapter 1, Paul talks about his being a minister. What does Paul say about his a ministering?
    A: He is suffering for the church in carrying out the preaching of the Word
    B: He is preaching the hope and glory of Christ in us
     C: He is proclaiming Jesus, admonish/warn and teach man, to labor and toil so men can be made complete
    D: All of the above

 119. Paul had a goal in mind while he was ministering, It was to?
    A: To show them how much suffering he was going through
    B: Help the believers be presented perfect in Christ
    C: Make sure they knew the rules for being a Christian
    D: None of the above

120. Even though Paul had never been to Colossae or Laodicea. He told them that he was:
    A: With the believers in spirit, rejoicing with them
    B: Planning to take a cruise and see them then.
    C: Going to send Timothy and TItus to visit them for him.
    D: Both A and C

121. Why is Paul rejoicing?
    A: That he finally made it to Rome
    B: That Epaphras came to see him
    C: That he is able to suffer for other believers
    D: That he is having pizza for dinner

122. Why must we be holy and blameless and beyond reproach?
    A: So we look good to our friends.
    B: So we can be elected for public office.
    C: So we can keep from getting in trouble with our parents
    D:So that we may be brought before God

123.  What does it mean to be the “firstborn of all Creation?”
    A: To be the first ever born.
    B: To be over all creation
    C: To have the  birthright/inheritance over all of creation
    D: Both A and B

124: Who are the redeemed?
    A: All who repent of their sins
    B: Those who turn from their wicked ways
    C: Those who accept Jesus as the only way
    D: All of the above

124. What is the hope of the gospel? 
    A: It is the good news – we are not condemned to hell, but are saved by grace.
    B: It is the Paul’s hope of getting out of prison
    C: It is the name of the ship that sailed to the Cape of Good Hope in Paul’s time
    D: None of the above

125. Where is Paul while he is writing this Epistle?
    A: Rome
    B: Under house arrest
    C: Chained to a Roman Guard
    D: All of the above


August questions won't be done until after the 16th.

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