Thursday, August 5, 2010

2010 Bible Bee-Senior/June

Now to the Senior Level Practice Questions for June:

1 - Who did the Israelites mumble and grumble against?
    A: Joshua
    B: Job
    C: Moses

2 - What does “C” stand for in A.C.T.S. Prayer guide?
    A: Complete
    B: Confession
    C: Consequence

3 - What is the first “view” in “Learn how to study your Bible?”
    A: Aerial
    B: Street
    C: Interview

5 - Where in the Bible are the “Fruits of the Spirit” found?
    A: Romans 3:23
    B; Galatians 5:22 & 23
    C: Galatians 2: 3-5

6 - Who wrote the book Colossians?
    A: Paul
    B: Peter
    C: John

7 - Who was the book of Colossians written to ?
    A: You
    B: Colossians
    C: Both

8 - What does the “T” Stand for in the A.C.T.S Prayer Guide?
    A: Testament
    B: Thanksgiving
    C: Thinking?

9 - What is the second “View” in “Learn how to study your Bible”?
    A: Aerial
    B Street
    C: Interview?

10 -  What is the Book that you are studying in your “Sword Study”?
    A: 1 Corinthians
    B; 2 Chronicles
    C: Colossians

11 - What does the S stand for in the A.C.T.S Prayer Guide?
    A: Sanctification
    B Supplication
    C: Sinning

13. What does “Inductive Bible study” mean?
    A: A study of the Bible
    B: An easy way to study the Bible
    C:. A careful look at what is there, and
then use that specific information to draw a

14 - What is the Third “View” in “Learn how to study your Bible”?
    A: Aerial
    B: Street
    C: Interview

15 - What does the “A” Stand for in the A.C.T.S. Prayer Guide?
    A: Adoption
    B: Adoration
    C: Accidentally

16 - What is that “ Special Family Time” Called?
    A: Family Picnic
    B: Family Bonfire
    C: Family outing

18 - How many times did Joshua and Israel walk around Jericho?
    A: 7
    B: 14
    C: 28

20 - What does “Adoration” mean? (Hint A.C.T.S)
    A: Worshiping God For who he is.
    B: Asking God For Forgiveness for the wrong things you have done.
    C: Becoming like Christ.

21 - What is your favorite flavor of Ice Cream.
    A: Chocolate
    B: Vanilla
    C: Orange

22 - Who is a great person to look up to according to your week one/ introduction ?
    A: Joshua
    B: John
    C: David

23 - Where can we learn more about Onesimus?
    A:. 1 Timothy
    B: Hebrews
    C: Philemon

24 - What does the word “agape” mean?
    A: To love someone
    B: A love for others that is completely other-oriented
    C: To play with your friends

25 - How often did Paul say he was praying for the Colossae church?
    A: Once a day
    B: Once a week
    C: Continually

26 - What is the purpose of Step 3-Interview
    A: To interview your pastor and anyone else who knows a lot about the book of Colossians to find out the answers to your questions.
    B: To get up close and personal in your study by dissecting each verse phrase-by-phrase, to see what is actually there.
    C: To ask the rest of the family what they think at the Family Bonfire.

27 -  What special roll did Nymphas play in the Colossae church?
    A: He was a deacon
    B: He was the pastor
    C: The church met in his house

28 -  What does the word “agape” mean?
    A: To greatly love someone
    B:  A love for others that is completely other-oriented
    C: To obey your parents

29 - . How long (approximately) did it take to send the letter of Colossians from Rome to Colossae?
    A: 4-7 days
    B: 1 year
    C:  2-4 months

30 - Rome to Colossae is about the same distance apart as:
    A: Pinedale, WY to Thayne, WY
    B: New York, NY to Thayne, WY
    C: Southern California to Thayne, WY

31 - Where can we learn more about Onesimus?
    A: Hebrews
    B: Philemon
    C: Philippians

32 - What is the Bible Bee say the focus verse(s) for the Book of Colossians is?
    A: Colossians 1:13-23
    B: Colossians 4:13
    C: Colossians 2:1-18

133 - What kind of literature is the book of Colossians?
    A: A story
    B: A letter
    C: A Parable

35 - What does the word “apostle” mean?
    A: One of the 12 disciples
    B: Someone who can write fancy sounding letters
    C: A special messenger chosen by God.

36 - What does the word gospel mean?
    A: Good news
    B:The New Testament
    C: The Bible

37 - What did Paul know about Epaphras life?
    A: He was a fellow missionary
    B: He was the Pastor who started the Colossae church
    C: All of the above

38 -  Which words are some of the key words used in Colossians 1?
    A: Give thanks, praying, firstborn
    B: God, Christ, His blood
    C: Both A  and B

39 - What does Paul tell us of the recipients in Colossians 1:4?
    A: They have faith in Jesus
    B: They love the city
    C: They like Colossal-sized pizza

40 - What does Paul tell us of the recipients in Colossians 2:5?
    A: They have an enduring hope
    B: They have longsuffering
    C: They have order and steadfastness of faith in Christ

41 -  How many miles (approximately) was Rome from Colossae?
    A: 100+ miles
    B: 250+ miles
    C: 1,000+ miles

42 - What is the purpose of Step 2-Street View?
    A: To go for a walk while memorizing Bible verses
    B: To witness to everyone on the street
    C: To take a closer look at the material being studied

43 - What is the purpose of Step 6-Crack the Case?
    A: Apply it to your life
    B: Finish the study
    C: Open the Family Bonfire time up for discussion.

44 - Step 1 of an Inductive Bible study is the Aerial View. What is the Aerial View?
    A: The big picture
    B: Reading the book more than once to get the flavor of the author’s writing
    C: Both A and B

45 - Agape love is based on…
    A: What others want from you.
    B: What others need.
    C: Who you want for friends.

46 - What other two books is it helpful to read while studying Colossians?
    A: Galatians and Philippians
    B: Philemon and Ephesians
    C: Ephesians and Philippians

47 - When Paul prays for the Colossians to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, he means…
    A: For them to fully understand what truly pleases the Lord.
     B: They should follow the Mosaic Law.
    C: Both A and B.

48 - In which “Step” of the Inductive Study do we ask: who, what, where, when, why, and how?
    A: Room to Room
    B: Street
    C: Interview

48 - Who had communicated to Paul the Colossians’ love?
    A: Timothy
    B: Nymphas
    C: Epaphras

49 - In Colossians 1:11 where or from whom does the power come?
    A: God
    B: Paul
    C: Caesar

50 - What is this power for?
    A: To know all things
    B:  Patience
    C: Both A and B

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