Friday, August 6, 2010

2010 Bible Bee-Primary/July

Here are the July Practice Questions for Primary Level.

1. What is one of the main focuses of
Colossians 1:13-23?
    A: Who Jesus is
    B:  Creation
    C: The gospel
    D: Prayer

2. What is the price for sin?
    A:. Discipline
    B:  A candy bar
    C:  Death
    D:  Nothing

3. What does “preeminent” mean?
    A:  Someone who rules over us.
    B:  Someone who ruled in the Old Testament
    C:  Someone who was the ruler in Colossiansossae
    D:  Someone who rules over all and ranks above all.

4. According to Colossians 1:12-13 once rescued from evil, we are saints in _________.
    A:  Heaven
    B:  The light
    C:  Jesus
    D:  Angels

5. Colossians 1:13 describes salvation as:
    A: Jesus blood redeeming us
    B:  Us asking God to forgive our sins
    C: The Father having delivered us from the power of darkness
    D:  Doing everything we can to be “good”

6. Colossians 1:14 states that we have redemption and forgiveness by_______
    A:  His mercy
    B:  His blood
    C:  His love
    D:  Both A and C

7. What does redemption mean?
    A: Christ’s death
    B: Redeem
    C:  Ransom
    D: All the above

8. Colossians 1:15 says: “He is the ... firstborn over all creation.” What does “firstborn” mean?
    A:  The first child born in a family
    B:  The oldest
    C:  He existed before all things
    D:  None of the above

9. According to Colossians 1:16, who created everything?        
    A: The Father
    B:  God
    C: The Holy Spirit
    D:  Jesus

10. Which cross reference passage also states that Jesus created everything?
    A:  Hebrews 1:3
    B:  John 1:1-3
    C:  Genesis 1:1
    D:  Revelation 1:14

11. Which verse says that Jesus is “the head of the body, the church”?
    A:  Colossians 1:18
    B:  Colossians 1:17
    C:  Colossians 1:19
    D:  Colossians 1:14

12. Colossians 1: 19 states that the Father/God was _____ that in Him all the fullness should dwell.
    A: Jealous
    B:  Upset
    C:  Pleased
    D:  Grateful

13. What does “reconciled” mean? (Colossians 1:20)
    A:  Balance
    B:  Save
    C: Restoration of a relationship of peace         D: None of the above

14. Who has been alienated from God?
    A:  Everyone
    B:  Only the Colossiansossae church
    C:  Only the Jews
    D:  Only the Gentiles

15. Through Jesus’ death we are presented _______ (Colossians 1:22)
    A: Holy
    B:  Blameless
    C:  Above reproach in His sight
    D:  All the above

16. What does Colossians 1:23 describe?
    A: The plan of salvation
    B: That we can go to heaven
    C:  Paul’s love for the Colossae church
    D:  That we should stay steadfast and grounded in our faith

17. What does the word “image” mean in the phrase, “He is the image of the invisible God”? (Colossians 1:15)
    A:  That Jesus was a prototype (the
original or model on which something is formed), the invisible God.
    B:  He looks like a Jew
    C:  He looks like an angel
    D:  None of the above

18. Which cross reference passage also supports that Jesus is preeminent? (Colossians 1:15)
    A: Matthew 4:12
    B: Genesis 1:1
    C: Hebrews 1:3
    D: John 1:1-3

19. Which cross reference passage also supports that Jesus was before all things? (Colossians 1:17)
    A: Exodus 3:14
    B:  John 8:58
    C: John 17:5
    D:  All of the above

20. Colossians 1:23 starts with the phrase “if indeed you continue in the faith”. What does the word “if” refer to?
    A: We have to make a commitment
    B:  Verse 22
    C:  It doesn’t matter
    D:  None of the above

21. What are we to do according to
Colossians 1:23?
    A: Continue in faith
    B: Be grounded and steadfast
    C: Love God with all our heart
    D: Both A and B

22. How many receive “the prize” when running a race?
    A: depends on the race
    B: three
    C: one
    D: all

23. Our old self/man was                
    A: done away with
    B: crucified with Christ
    C: changed into a new man
    D: none of the above

24. How do we have redemption?
    A: Through the kingdom of heaven
    B: Through reading the Bible                 C: Through His blood, the forgiveness of sins
    D: Through doing all the right thing

25. In Colossians 1:24 Paul was rejoicing in what?
    A: His sufferings for them
    B: That Timothy had come
    C: That Epaphras was in Rome
    D: That Epaproditius was better

26. When God first created the earth it was:
    A: without form/formless
    B: beautiful
    C: covered with trees and bushes
    D: none of the above

27.  In Colossians 1:13 we are told God has delivered us from?
    A: Sin
    B: Persecution
    C: False teachers
    D: The power of darkness

28. What does the key word “fill up” mean?
    A: To pour a liquid into a glass until full
    B: To add dirt to a low spot in the ground till it’s level
    C: To supplement
    D:  Both B and C.

29. What does the key word “flesh” mean?
    A: The human body
    B: Hair
    C: Bones
    D. Fingernails

30. What does the key word “church” mean?
    A: A place where people meet to worship God
    B: A building
    C: A community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both
    D: None of the above

31. What does the key word “dispensation” mean?
    A: Administration, stewardship
    B: Attitude
    C: A sensation that didn’t met your expectations
    D: All of the above

32. What does the key word “given” mean?
    A: To give
    B: Bestow
    C: Grant
    D: All of the above

33. What does the key word “fulfill” mean?
    A: The over –fill an object
    B: To finish (a period or task)
    C: To give
    D: Both A and C

34. What does the key word “word” mean?
    A: Something said
    B: A letter
    C: Doctrine
    D: Both A and C.

35. What does the key word “hid” mean?
    A: To bury treasure in the ground
    B: To hide
    C:To conceal away
    D: Both B and C

36. What does the key word “generations” mean?         A: An age
    B: Nation
    C: Time
    D: All of the above

37. What does the key word “manifest” mean?
    A: To render apparent
    B: appear
    C:. a feast that just men go to
    D: Both A and B.

38. What does the key word “saints” mean?
    A: People who have died and were famous
    B: Sacred, holy
    C: Christians
    D: None of the above

39. What does the key word “make known” mean?         A: Certify
    B: Declare
    C: Give to understand
    D: All of the above

40. What does the key word “riches” mean?
    A: Wealth (as fullness)
    B: Abundance
    C: Richness
    D: All of the above

41. What does the key word “in” mean?
    A: I don’t know
    B: I don’t care- it’s just a little word c
    C: Denoting a fixed position (in place, time, or state)
    D: None of the above

42. What does the key word “preach” mean?
    A: To proclaim
    B: To give a message on Sunday
    C: To declare
    D: Both A and C.

43. What does the key word “striving” mean?
    A: An effort
    B: Fight
    C: Race
    D: All of the above

44. What does the key word “working” mean?
    A: Making money
    B: Operation, strong (effectual)
    C: Singing for your supper
    D: None of the above

45. What does the key word “worketh” mean?
    A: To be active
    B: Be mighty in
    C: Show forth self
    D: All of the above

46. What does the key word “afflictions” mean?
    A: Anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble
    B: Thankful, grateful,
    C:  Full of love
    D:  Full of sorrow

47. What does the key word “minister/ servant” mean?
    A: Deacon of Jesus Christ
    B: Attendant
    C: Both A and B.
    D: None of the above
48. What does the key word “mystery” mean?
    A: To shut the mouth
    B: A secret
    C: Salvation
    D: Both A and B.

49. What does the key word “hope of glory” mean?
    A: To anticipate usually with pleasure             B: Recognize a person or thing for
what it is
    C: Heaven
    D: Both A and B.

50. What does the key word “warning/admonishing” mean?
    A: To put to mind, to caution
    B: Look out
    C: Take a careful look
    D: None of the above

51 What does the key word “labor/toil” mean?
    A: To play hard
    B: To give all your money away
    C: To work hard, to feel fatigue
    D: To work for pay

52. What does the key word “rejoice” mean?
    A: To be cheerful
    B: Calmly happy
    C: Wishing happiness to someone
    D: All of the above

53. What does the key word “suffering” mean?
    A: Enduring
    B: Something undergone as in hardship
or pain
    C: Persecution
    D: Trial

54. What does the key word “ages” mean?
    A: How long someone lives
    B: How long something lasts
    C: Time, whether a span or continual
    D: None of the above

55. What does the key word “present” mean?
    A: To stand beside
    B: Recommend
    C: Bring before
    D: All of the above

56. What does the key word “wisdom” mean?
    A: The knowledge of how to regulate one’s relationship with God
    B: Sensible
    C: Worldly or spiritual wisdom
    D: All of the above

57. What does it mean when Paul says that he is “filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ (KJV)”?
    A: The suffering of Christians (like himself) that will take place for the sake of the gospel.
    B: Filling up a cup with afflictions
    C: Something to do with Christ dying on the cross
    D: Paul talking in a secret code

58. What chapter of Colossians was started in week 5’s study?
    A:. 3
    B:  4
    C:. 2
    D:  1

59. False teachers can be compared to:
    A: A beautiful piece of fruit that’s poisonous on the inside
    B: Preachers
    C: Weeds
    D: Both A and C.

60. What is the danger of false teachers?
    A: Following their teaching instead of Christ
    B: Being carried away by them (made to think their teaching is right)
    C: Being carried away by their followers
    D: All of the above

61. What does Matthew 10:16 say about how we’re to be prepared/ on the alert?
    A: “Be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”
    B: “be as a roaring lion”
    C: “Stand your ground”
    D: None of the above

62.  We are to love God with:
    A: heart
    B: soul
    C: strength/might
    D: all of the above

63. What do you think the phrase, “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love” means?
    A: Paul wants to preach and encourage them, and has agape love for them. And
wants to show them how to have agape love for each other.
    B: That Paul wants to make everyone happy and feel good.
    C: That somehow Paul or maybe Christ will knit everyone together like a sweater in love.
    D: Paul expected all the churches to write encouraging love letters to each others.

64. How can Jesus give you wisdom and understanding?
    A: Through the Holy Spirit guiding and directing you
    B:  He can use passages of Scripture that you read
    C:  He can’t
    D:  Both A and B

65. If you ever have doubts or questions about Jesus, the Bible, or what you believe, what can you do?
    A: Look up passages in the Bible that explain your question or doubt
    B: Ask someone about it
    C: Ask God to help you figure it out.
    D: All of the above

66. What are things that are not temptations that we might follow?
    A: Desiring to posses special toys
    B: Following the ideas of a famous person         C: Reading your Bible, praying
    D: Striving for a position (in your job, school, or sports team)

67. Who would be blessed through Abraham?
    A: his family/household
    B: his descendents/the Jews
    C: all people/families
    D: none of the above

68. All have ___________ and come/fall short of the glory of God;
    A: sinned
    B: made mistakes
    C: been wrong
    D: loved

69. What are some ways we can avoid the devil?
    A: Memorize the Bible
    B: Pray
    C: Don’t worry about it; Satan won’t
catch me!
    D: Both A and B.

70. What did God tell man to rule/have dominion over? (Ge. 1:26-28)
    A: His emotions
    B: His wife
    C: Any living that moves
    D: Heavens and earth

71. We are not to be conformed to:
    A:. the world
    B: the heathen
    C: hypocrites
    D: sin

72.  Paul warned the Colossians to “Beware lest any man spoil you through _________” or “See to it that no one takes you captive through_______”
    A: False teaching
    B: Wrong doctrine
    C: Moses Law
    D: Philosophy

73. Who is not mentioned in Chapter 2 of Colossiansossians?
    A: Paul
    B: Laodiceans
    C: Luke
    D: Colossians

74. Who is mentioned in Chapter 2?
    A: False teachers
    B: God
    C: Christ
    D: All of the above

75. What is not part of the key topics of c
Chapter 2?
    A: Salvation
    B: Christ’s preeminence
    C: False teachers
    D: Being dead to the world

76. What key topics are mentioned in Chapter 2?         A: Paul’s desire to preach to everyone
    B: Christ’s death and resurrection
    C: Being grateful for all things
    D: Both A and B.

77. What did Colossians 2 tell us about where things happened?
    A: Paul is with them in spirit
    B: Christ’s cross
    C: Living in the world
    D: All of the above

78. According to Colossians2:2 what does Paul pray for the Colossians?
    A: That they’d be full of love
    B: That they’d be full of compassion
    C: That they’d understand the mystery of God
    D: That they’d understand the letter he is writing them

79. Where do we find the treasures of wisdom and knowledge according to Colossians 2:3?
    A: In the Bible
    B: In the letter of Colossians
    C: In the Old Testament
    D: In Christ

80. When do we have access to these treasures according to Colossians 2:3?
    A: Never
    B: Right now
    C: Once you are saved
    D: It doesn’t tell us

81. What does Paul pray for in Colossians 2:4?
    A: That God will give us true wisdom and knowledge
    B: That God will keep us from evil
    C: That God will save us
    D: None of the above

82. Why was Paul rejoicing in verse 5?
    A: Because of the Colossians faith and steadfastness
    B: Because he was happy to be in chains         C: Because he was full of joy
    D: All of the above

83. What does the key word “conflict” mean?
    A: A struggle
    B: Contest
    C: Contention
    D: All of the above

84. What does the key word “heart” mean?
    A: The organ in your body that pumps blood
    B: A card game
    C: The thoughts or feelings
    D: Both A and C.

85. What does the key word “beguile” mean?
    A: To misreckon
    B: To love each other
    C: Deceive
    D: Both A and C.

86. What does the key word “absent” mean?
    A: To be away
    B: To be careful
    C:To be joyful
    D: To be loving

87. What does the key word “steadfastness” mean?
    A: Something established
    B: Stability
    C: Rock solid
    D: All of the above

88. What was the extremely valuable information that the Colossians was given?
    A: The Gospel
    B: God’s Word
    C: Virtues of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
    D: All of the above

89. If you are a Christian, have you been given the same gifts mentioned in question 88?
    A: No
    B: Not till I get to heaven
    C: Yes
    D: Maybe

90. When we compromise the truth of the Word, even a little, does it stay truth?
    A: Yes
    B: No
    C: Both A and B.
    D: None of the above

91. On Day 1 of week six, you were asked to read Eph. 2:1-10. What are some of the key topics in this passage?
    A: God has quickened us
    B: Lusts of the flesh
    C: By grace you have been saved
    D: All of the above

92. What does it mean to “walk in Him”?
    A: Be established and keep growing.
    B: We must walk with him in our daily course and keep up our communion with him.
    C: Both A and B.
    D: None of the above

93. What Instructions/ Encouragement did Paul give in Colossians 2:6-7
    A: Love the church
    B: Walk in Christ
    C: Abound with thanksgiving
    D: Both B and C

94. What Instructions/ Encouragement did Paul give in Colossians 2:8?
    A: To give to each other
    B: To stay rooted in the faith
    C: Beware of false teachers
    D: None of the above

95 What Instructions/ Encouragement did Paul give in Colossians 2:9-10?
    A: God loves us
    B: Paul is praying for them
    C: Walk in Christ
    D: We are complete in Christ

96. What Instructions/ Encouragement did Paul give in Colossians 2:11-13?
    A: Encourages us with what salvation means, and what Christ did for us.
    B: We are complete in Christ
    C: Beware of false teachers
    D: None of the above

97. What Instructions/ Encouragement did Paul give in Colossians 2:14-15?
    A: Encourages us with teaching us about Christ’s power and who He is.
    B: To obey our parents
    C: To trust God in everything
    D: Encourages us with his love

98. How many times in Colossians 2:1-15 did Paul warn us to stay clear of false teachers?
    A: 1
    B:. 3
    C: 2
    D: 4

99. Colossians 2:10-15 state many things that happen spiritually when you accept Christ as your Savior. Which things do not belong in this list from that passage?
    A: Being left in sin and darkness
    B: Made complete in Christ
    C: Raised with Christ by faith in God
    D: All your sins were forgiven

100. Where has the Father rescued us from?   
    A: The kingdom of the Son He loves.
    B: The dominion of darkness.
    C: Our position as sinners.
    D: None of the above
101. Where did God transport us to after saving us?
    A: The other side.
    B: The kingdom of the Son He loves.
    C: The dominion of darkness.
    D: None of the above

102. Who is the image of the invisible God?
    A: His Son, the firstborn over creation.
    B: The Holy Spirit.
    C: Humans.
    D: All of the above

103. Complete this verse: ‘All things were cre-ated…’
    A: In the beginning.
    B: For Him.
    C: By Him, and for Him.
    D: All of the above

104. He (Christ) is the head of…
    A: The body.
    B: The Church.
    C: The body, the Church.
    D: None of the above

105. According to Colossians 1:15 and
Hebrews 1:3, Jesus is the:
    A: Savior and Redeemer.
    B: The image of the invisible God and the radiance of God’s Glory.
    C: Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father.
    D: King of Kings

106. In both Colossians 1:17 and John 8:58, Jesus is the:
    A: Beginning.
    B: End.
    C: Shepherd
    D: Alpha and Omega

107. Who is mentioned in Colossians 1:19?
    A: Paul.
    B: God.
    C: Us.
    D: The Colossians

108. In both Colossians 1:20 and Isa. 53:5, God made what through His blood?
    A: Enemies
    B: Friends.
    C: Peace
    D: The world

109. What does the word “peace” mean in Colossiansossians 1:2
    A: Untouched
    B: Unbelievable
    C: Untroubled. When combined with the word grace in Colossians 1:2, it refers to mercy for the consequences of sin
    D: None of the above

110. When did the events in Colossians 1:22 take place?
    A: When Christ died.
    B: When we were born.
    C: When the world was created.
    D: It is in the future.

111. The key word in Colossians 1:23 and
1 Corinthians 15:1-2 is:
    A: Heard.
    B: Faith.
    C: Gospel.
    D: Beloved

112. What word did Paul use to describe Jesus, the Only One this word can really describe?
        A: Cool!
        B: Preeminent.
        C: Supreme.
        D: Savior

113. Where is Paul when he writes this letter?
    A: In Colossae.
    B: In a tent he made himself.
    C: In prison.
    D: In Jerusalem

114. Paul responds to suffering for God by:
    A: Rejoicing.
    B: Getting mad.
    C: Blaming God.
    D:Telling others to come help him.

115. What did God commission Paul to be?
    A: An enemy of the Jews
    B: A servant of the gospel
    C: A friend of Timothy’s.
    D: A traveller

116. What did God do with the mystery concealed so long?
    A: Hid it even longer.
    B: Revealed it to the saints.
    C: Hired a detective!
    D: Wrote about it in secret code.

117. What are the riches of this mystery?
    A: Silver and gold.
    B: Eternal life.
    C: Christ in us, the hope of His glory.
    D: Good things will happen to us.

118. In Colossians 1:28 and Acts 20:31, what did Paul do for everyone?
    A: Admonish, teach, and warn.
    B: Lead, guide, and direct.
    C: Pray, weep, and fast.
    D: All of the above

119. We can do all things through whose strength?
    A: Our own.
    B: God’s.
    C: Paul’s.
    D: We can’t do all things.

120. What was the number of the Jewish ancestors who went down into Egypt?
    A: 16
    B: 70
    C: 120
    D: 12

121. What three key phrases did Paul use in
Colossains 1:1-8?
    A: Love in the spirit, bring forth fruit, heard of you faith
    B: Pray, give thanks, love
    C: Please send me money, please send me food, please send me clothes
    D: None of the above

121. Who was to go before in the spirit and power of Elijah/Elias?
    A: Zacharias
    B: Jesus
    C: John the Baptist
    D: Zechariah

122. Who did Jesus tell the Jews he was before:
    A: Moses
    B: Elijah
    C: John the Baptist
    D: Abraham

123. Jesus told the disciples the Holy Ghost/Spirit would:
    A: teach them all things
    B: help them to remember all things
    C: both A and B
    D: none of the above

124. What is the wages of sin?
    A: eternal damnation
    B: hell
    C: death
    D: none of the above

125 God works all things for the good of those who:
    A: try to live good lives
    B: are kind to others
    C: love Him
    D: are missionaries

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