Monday, January 21, 2008

Nurturing Through Reading-A-Loud Part 3-Meeting Great People

Our children need godly heroes who are examples of sterling character. Biographies are an excellent source for giving a vision of giving your all to God and a righteous cause. Encouraging children to find what God is calling them to and the importance of persevering to accomplish it. We enjoyed biographies of not only conventional historical figures, i.e., George Washington, but of scientists, musicians, and missionaries.

“The concept of hero today in American biography represents a return to the pagan concept of a legendary hero–too good to be true. This has caused the ‘debunking’ of our founding father period and has been accepted widely through the ‘myth’ of making them more human, hence more like us. What this leveling process has done has been to remove from our young people any challenging peaks of character, courage and accomplishment. It has enabled us to accept the character of socialism–the era of the common man–as that which is most comfortable to live with.”
(Quote taken from, Parents Needed: Goals for a Reading Aloud Program)

Beware of biographies that have removed the Christian conviction and character of our founding fathers and other historical figures. Many great musicians and scientists were Christians. Look for biographies that not only tell the events of a person’s life, but also describe his character, godliness, and impact on history and culture.

More books from our “Books Read” list:
Robert E. Lee-biography
Stonewall Jackson-biography
Isaac Newton-biography
The Hawk that Dare not Hunt
False Coin, True Coin
God With Us
The Stolen Years
The Escape
Morning Star of the Reformation
In Search of Honor
Nothing Daunted-Isobel Kuhn biography
The Lonely Sentinel
Hideout in the Swamp
Amos Fortune
Great Americans & Their Noble Deeds
Treasures of the Snow
Man in Bearskin
Renegade in the Hills
Little Men
Eight Cousins

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