Friday, January 11, 2008

Dangers of a National Health Care System

Providing a National Health Care System is a big issue in the current campaign. I would like to quote some information provided by Roy M. Hanson of Family Protection Ministries in his newsletter. (See contact information below.) Because of the length I will be posting the information in three parts.

“There are a myriad of very serious concerns with government interfering and involving itself any further than it already has in the health care of the population. These concerns are forcefully highlighted by the problems in countries that already have socialized health care. Among these problems are: (1) the massive costs and tax increases needed to fund their health care programs, (2) the eventual erosion of the quality of care, (3) substantial shortages and long waiting lists, (4) morally objectionable practices such as abortions, euthanasia, infanticide, and drug needle programs, funded by these tax-supported systems, (5) even slower approval times exist now for helpful new drugs and treatments, and (6) the availability of the best medical resources to the very rich and well-connected who are able to circumvent the bureaucracy while inadequate care is mandated for everyone else.

“The fundamental principle of government programs is this: the more the government funds a program, the more of the program the government controls. The more of the program the government controls, the less freedom and choice individual citizens retain.

Private and Home Educators of California
Legal-Legislative Update Jan/Feb 2008
P.O. Box 730
Lincoln, CA 9548-0730

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