Saturday, December 29, 2007

Encouragement for Homeschool Moms

When I think back to what caused me to feel discouraged as a homeschool mom it comes down to two things and a lack of one thing.

As a wife and mom we have a lot to do! We are sisters of Eve. It is very easy to believe the lies. Have you ever felt: I need to be in control of all the situations, that I have to do it all, that I am failing if I don’t offer my children all the options there are?The first cause of discouragment in my life is exhaustion. I could easily become exhausted from any of the following: lack of sleep, lack of eating right, disorder in the home, trying to do more than God had for my family at that time, neglecting spiritual needs.

Two indicators of doing too much or being out of balance are–Are you responding to your husband with enthusiasm. Your first job is being a wife. The first step in loving your kids is to love their Daddy. And is your home happy? Do your children perceive Mama and Daddy as loving each other, supporting each other, wanting to be with each other?

Satan got Eve with comparison. Just like Eve we are tempted to compare and become discontent. Are you comparing your family’s material possessions with those of DINKS (Dual Income No Kids), this is very hard when it is within your extended family and church or this is the philosophy you were raised believing. Maybe you find it hard to attend Curriculum Fairs with friends because they have money to spend on extra curriculum and extra “fun” education resources. Maybe you believe in the “perfect” homeschool family and yours is definitely not it. But you are sure the Support Group leader’s family is incredible. Why their children are accomplished pianists or they win the state debates. Those families are not perfect. They are made up of the same flesh and blood sinners as your family. They are just like every member of your family, we all need grace.

Comparison leads to a great lack of contentment. When we are discontented we are saying, “God you are not providing everything I need.” We are instructed in Hebrews 13:5, Be content with such things as ye have; for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. We must learn to say with Paul, Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4:11. Eve was not content in the garden. Am I content in the garden God has put me?

Discontentment begins by desiring self-sufficiency. The temptation was not simply to taste some forbidden fruit but to be self-sufficient and no longer need God. As a homeschooling mom you will never, never be content until you become dependent on God. You cannot do it on your own. You cannot control all situations. You cannot do it all. You cannot provide all the options there are for your children. You must learn to be the contented servant of the Lord.

Next to faith, this is the highest art: to be content in the calling in which God has placed you.
Martin Luther


Sandi said...

Thank you! I needed this today :)

Treasures from a shoebox said...

We all want to be the PERFECT home-school family, but the truth is, there is NO SUCH THING! We are all imperfect and dependent upon Christ. Discouragement for me usually means I've either taken on too much or I'm not focusing on the areas the Lord wants me to. Thanks for this encouraging post!
