Friday, June 2, 2017

2017 Garden 06.01

This winter included rain and wind. Though the snow level in the yard was about average, the raspberries had alot of damage. And winter has left slowly. I was a month late getting them pruned.

Honeycrisp Apple in bloom for the first time!

With help from a good friend, she must be a good friend to be willing to pull the tangled grass roots out of the garden!

Onion plants on top and lettuce below soaker hose.

We are making progress in getting seeds and transplants in the soil.

 New Thyme plant. Smells wonderful and is yummy.
The old had become quite woody.

 Horseradish. I had two in upside down 5 gallon water bottles.
I harvested the front one last fall. A tip of the roots must have been left.
Because a new plant is emerging.

 New Sage plant also. The old was very woody. 

 Transplants ready to go. Mom started: Red Cabbage, 
Broccoli, Kale, Radicchio, Cilantro and some flowers.

Brassica transplants protected with bottles and jugs (bottoms are cut out).

 Rhubarb - already harvested twice.

 Garlic - I've never had garlic make it through the winter before.
The cloves were taken from some a friend grew.
 Both here in the strawberry bed and in the mint bed they are thriving.
I've put the perforated type watering hose in both strawberry beds. 
The strawberries love the gentle watering and it is much easier
to pull weeds from moist soil!

Tomato plants bought as transplants from Azure Standard's Sarah's Starts.
For our short, dry growing season I've found self-watering containers work best.
They are located on the front porch and can be covered easily 
or even brought into the garage at night.

Front Porch Flower/Strawberry Bed - with chives, 
walking onions (these provide green onions as early as March), 
and cilantro that self-seeded from last year.

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