Thursday, May 3, 2012

Baby Shower for DDL #3

Decorations had a western touch…
Her mom  made  the cloth diapers in darling prints hanging on the clothes lines across the front…

Guests sat at round tables, simply decorated…Refreshments were simple and delicious.
Devotion follows:

Everyone who knows how to crochet stand:
Now I want you to sit between/next to those who don’t.
Pass out crochet hooks and yarn.
I want you to crochet while I’m talking.
Those of you who know how to crochet help the people next to you to get started. Make a slip-knot and chain.

I looked up to see what does the Bible say about being a mother. What exactly does God say a mother should do?

It led me to Titus 2:4-5,  you know the verses about, the older women teaching the younger women…to love their children… so God would not be blasphemed. We are talking very serious consequences if this is not done!

My husband assures me I qualify–thanks a lot honey! Not that I’ve reached 60 yo but that I’m not in the midst of raising my own children.

So what word for love is used here?
 “love their children” is the Greek word philo-teknon

As women, we feel very noble sacrificing physically for our family. We can endure pregnancy, pick-up after our family, do their laundry, make them home-cooked meals, deny ourself, all for the benefit of our family.         Up-scale Toy Store conversation.
While it is noble to “physically” care for our family, this is totally not phileo-loving.

         Love that is affectionate.
Love is the verb. Affectionate is an adverb telling us what type of love:
•Fond, benevolent; tender; as, the affectionate care of a parent (1828)

•not with a fond foolish, loose, and ungoverned affection; but so as to seek their real good, and not only their temporal, but spiritual and eternal welfare; to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; and to use and keep proper discipline and government over them. (Gill)
Proverbs 13:24, He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

•a love springing from a holy sanctified heart and regulated by the word; …not indulging them in evil,… (Matthew Henry)
                  Romans 16:19b, but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple/innocent concerning evil.

Each and every choice makes a difference. There are no small decisions in raising our children.
         With our media intense culture, most of us would jump all over out-right evil–excessive violence, abortion, porn, etc., but it is very difficult to protect our children from influences that undermine God’s Word in our children’s lives. Ah, we are back to the issue of blaspheming God.
         Example: Little Mermaid

         Child, children
paidion-an infant, half-grown, to be immature/act immature;

I’m fascinated by the word tekton a worker in fiber or carpenter/builder is from the same root word. A child is put into our life to be fashioned-built.

So, how is crocheting going? Without a pattern how can you hope to make anything useful, beautiful, or worthy of our time and effort?

•You are fashioning the destinies of immortal souls. (JR Miller)

•This is the thought that should be uppermost on your mind in all you do for your children. In every step you take about them, in every plan, and scheme, and arrangement that concerns them, do not leave out that mighty question, “How will this affect their souls?” (JC Ryle)

This sacred trust should drive us to God. God requires us to be faithful to His commands. He known we are not perfect. He knows we cannot train a child in our own strength.

•Better to be out on the boundless sea, without knowledge of the stars above or the currents beneath; better to be in the untrodden forest without pathway or compass; better to be on the trackless desert without a landmark in all the horizon, nothing but burning sand under foot and brazen sky over head, than to be on this sea, in this wilderness, upon this desert of our life, with a human destiny entrusted to your care and no guiding God to pilot you to him and the desired haven! But with God’s presence, help and guidance even this great and responsible work shall not crush you nor make you afraid.” (JR Miller)

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