Thursday, June 17, 2010

Simple & Fun Sewing Project–Pillowcase, Lesson Two

Before we start sewing. Make sure you have a good needle in your machine, matching thread and bobbin threaded. You will also need to press your fabrics and seams. So get your iron filled with water and set to the correct setting.

o  1. Press the 3” x 41” accent strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. Strip is now 1 1/2” x 41”.

o  2. Press, the 10” x 41” end piece in half lengthwise, wrong sides together. Strip is now 5” x 41”. Fold the 1/2” seam allowance on one long edge of the end piece to the wrong side. Press.
o  3. Use 1/2” seams for the entire pillowcase. Sew folded accent piece or trim to the right side of the 41” length of the pillowcase body fabric. Right sides together.

Sew the end piece of fabric, unfolded, matching the flat 41" edges together along the same edge over the accent piece. Stitch on the accent’s seam line.

o  4. Press the seam allowances toward the opening end of the pillowcase. Press accent piece toward body of pillowcase and end fabric toward the opening of the pillowcase.

We will finish our pillowcase in Lesson Three!

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