Materials List
• 2/3 yard 100% cotton fabric–laundered and pressed.
• Copy of pattern
• 15 1/4” of 3/4” wide elastic
• 2” of 3/4” wide Velcro in your color of choice
• thread to match
• 6” piece of binding if adding pocket
• safety pin
• basic sewing supplies and machine
Use 1/2” seam allowance unless otherwise noted.
Seam allowance is included in pattern.
Top-stitching should be within 1/8” of edge of fabric.

Step 1: Cutting the fabric.
a. Cut out the main body and lining from cotton fabric. Fabric should be folded selvages to center lengthwise. Place center of pattern along folds. Lining may also be of a coordinating fabric.
b. Cut out a rectangle, 16” x 3” for the waist strap. Length should be along the lengthwise straight of grain.
c. Cut out a rectangle, 20” x 3” for the neck strap. Length should be along the lengthwise straight of grain.
d. If adding a pocket–cut a rectangle 6” wide x 5” long.
Step 2: Pocket (Optional)
a. Mark placement on apron front for pocket.
b. Apply binding to top of pocket–6” side or make a 1/4” rolled hem.
c. Press under 1/2” seam allowance on sides and bottom of pocket.
d. Pin pocket to apron front.
e. Top-stitch pocket to apron front along three pressed edges. Back stitch well at top of pocket.
Step 3: Waist Strap
a. Fold waist strap, 16” x 3” piece, in half lengthwise right sides together. Use a 1/4” seam allowance, sew along the long edge and one of the short ends. Backstitching at each end. Trim corner as shown.
b. Turn the strap right side out. Press the strap, so the seam is at one edge.
c. Top-stitch very close to edge on both sides and finished end.
d. Separate Velcro. Place the rougher–hook piece 1/2” from the finished end of the waist strap. Edge stitch along all four sides of the Velcro, stitching back and forth several times along the short edges for reinforcement. (A zig-zag stitch works best for this.) Set aside.
Step 4: Neck Strap
a. Fold neck strap, 20” x 3” piece, in half lengthwise right sides together. Use a 1/4” seam allowance, sew along both long sides, forming a tube.
b. Turn tube right side out and press. Press seam flat, then fold on seam and press again.
c. Top-stitch close to both long edges of the neck strap.
d. Attach the safety pin to one end of the elastic. Push the safety pin through the neck strap tube until the other end of the elastic is even with the end of the tube. (The safety pin will not yet have reached the end of the tube.) Pin the end of the elastic even with the tube. Sew, with a zig-zag if possible, across the end of strap and elastic 2-3 times to secure the elastic.
e. Now continue to pull safety pin to the other end of the neck strap. Pin this end. Make sure elastic is not twisted! Sew this end as in step 4:d.
Step 5: Placement of waist and neck strap to the apron front.
a. Pin the ends of the neck strap flush with the top edge of the apron front. Align the neck strap ends a bit more than 1/2” from the sides of the front. Make sure the neck strap is not twisted!
b. Pin the waist strap to the right side of the apron front. With the Velcro facing up, align it flush with the right edge of the main body and 1/4” down from where the curve begins. Fold up the last several inches of the waist strap. Using your safety pin, secure the folded waist strap to the apron front. This will keep it from shifting and getting caught in the seam as you sew the lining to the front.
Step 6: Lining
a. Take the lining piece and place it, right side down, on top of the front to which you have pinned the straps. Match all edges. Pin the body pieces together, sandwiching the strap ends as you go.
b. Use a 1/2” seam allowance, sew along the edge of the main body pieces, pivoting on the needle when you come to a corner. Leave a 4” gap at the center of the bottom edge of the apron for turning. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and the end of the seam.
c. Trim the corners (Top, side, and bottom.) Turn the apron right side out. Remove the safety pin. Press, keeping bottom edges straight with unsewn section of seam allowance inside the apron.
d. Top-stitch the entire edge of the apron. This will close the opening.
Step 7: Velcro Loop
a. Lay the apron out so that waist strap is coming off to the right.
b. Pin the fuzzy–loop Velcro piece to the left corner of the apron just under the curve.
c. Sew in place stitching back and forth several times at each short end for reinforcement.
You’re done!
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