Robynne a very dear friend, preps the brand new coffee urn bought by the brides' uncle.
People started to gather about 6:00 p.m. There was a bon fire going, picnic table for those who needed a place to sit, and plenty of room to walk around and talk with others.
When the wedding party arrived about 6:40. We rang the dinner bell-a heart shaped one made by son #3 for a wedding present to son #2 and his bride. After welcoming everyone and prayer we all dug into the food. Everyone seemed to be in agreement with granddaughter #1 who kept saying, "I'm hungry."

Menu was:
Ranch Beans
Barbeque Shred on buns with toppings of:
sliced cheese
dill hamburger chips
sliced red onions
more barbeque sauce

Cookies for dessert-
Peanut Butter
M & M Cookies
Munger Mom Chocolate Chip Cookies

Here dear son #2 and his bride eat with the Best Man and his wife.

Dear friends David and Ellie. Their family drove from Oregon to Texas to attend the wedding. They were a great blessing to us!
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